Talented German Artist Makes Stunning Papercuts

People express their talents in different ways. For some, it’s the ability to bake pretty good chocolate chip cookies. For others, it might be holding their breath underwater several seconds longer than average or singing in the shower when nobody is listening. In the case of Jo Chorny, an artist from Germany, it’s about expressing herself through paper. But while most take the conventional route and draw on paper, Chorny takes it to a far more sophisticated level: using a scalpel, she hand cuts sheets of paper in order to create intricate objects, animals and stunning scenery.

Chorny’s handle on all of her social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and Etsy – the e-commerce website where she sells her work – is “peaceofpaper1.” What we’re trying to say is feel free to buy some of her original artworks. You can even get it customized according to your peculiar whims. It’s really a win-win situation if you think about it. Every piece is so detailed that we can only assume it takes an eternity to complete each one. But let’s be honest, you’re a patient soul. So waiting is no issue, right? Beyond creating these marvelous works of art, she has a knack for presentation. As she puts it, she likes holding her papercuts against the sky and snapping photos because of the way the sky’s colors and textures enhance the effect of the art. In particular, it make the intricate cutting more vivid.

When looking at examples of her work, it’s pretty obvious that she’s a Disney buff. But has also made her fair share of art featuring creatures of the forest, ocean life, and trees and flowers. It is clear that she is doing what she loves without taking herself too seriously.

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