Polina Brzhezinskaya Searches for the Variety of Female Beauty

Polina Brzhezinskaya – a Russian self-proclaimed “Instagram-era explorer” – has a passion and talent for modeling and photography. She has combined this on her Instagram page with her passion for travel for a very unique project: she created a series of photographs showing women from all around the world to illustrate the variety of female beauty.

Polina covered pretty much all ethnicities, religions, and cultures. It shows that everyone can be beautiful in their own way and there’s no such thing as a “perfect” woman. We see women from Namibia, Galapagos, Armenia, South Korea and tons of other countries. And for how different they all may be, they all have one thing in common: they’re beautiful women.

In a time where it seems like the world is growing more and more segregated and hostile towards other cultures, this project is a breath of fresh air that makes us rethink how we treat other people. Posing next to all those different cultures as “equal” in every way, Polina smashes the imaginary boundaries between ethnicities. While I’m not optimistic that this project will change the world or make people more tolerant towards each other, it’s nice that Polina doesn’t care and treats all people equally. Maybe her work can inspire more people to do the same.

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