Top 10 Countries With The Best Education

Education is becoming more and more important in today’s society. It’s hard to imagine getting a decent job or being able to buy a house without a decent degree under your belt. And since globalization has made discovering new countries and cultures a lot easier, it might be a good idea to combine these two things, wouldn’t it? Studying abroad seems like it combines the best of both worlds.



Let’s take a look at the countries that have the best education money can buy. For this, we’re taking into account the level of education and how much it’ll cost you to study.



10. New Zealand
New Zealand scores pretty high globally, and it was already a great country before we knew they had a good educational system. Maybe we should all move there and become hobbits.



9. Australia
Whatever New Zealand does, Australia can do better. Education is no different.

8. United States
We all know it’s wicked expensive to get a degree in the US, but it is one of the highest levels of education you can get.



7. Norway
Scandinavia is always on top of things when it comes to taking care of its people – it’s no surprise Norway has a good educational system.

6. Denmark
Again, Scandinavia will always do right by you. Fairly expensive, but decent educational level. Probably higher than Norway because of the German connection (where studying is entirely free).



5. Belgium
Their universities have a pretty high standard and getting an education is fairly inexpensive compared to other countries.

4. Switzerland
Gotta learn how to make all that illegal cash disappear, and that requires a proper educational system. Goes without saying that like all things in Switzerland, getting your degree there is wickedly expensive. But it’s worth it.

3. Netherlands
The level of education in Netherlands is of a very high standard, mainly due to their more progressive mindset. They have very modern educational programs – which can come at a steep price but don’t have to.



2. Finland
Ah yes, Scandinavia again. Seems like Sweden is severely dropping the ball here. Only one country in the world has a better educational system.

1. Singapore
Yup, bet you weren’t expecting that one. But yes, apparently Singapore has the best educational system in the world. They are one of the richer countries in Asia so I guess it kind of makes sense.

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