8 Weird Eating Habits Around The World

Cuisine and etiquette go hand in hand. We all know that when you’re dining, there’s a specific set of rules we need to adhere to. Most of them are pretty simple: wait for everyone to be seated, don’t leave the table before everyone’s finished, don’t laugh when nan’s false teeth fall out, et cetera. In some countries in the world, however, etiquette has some very specific and weird rules.


Let’s take a look at some freaky dinner habits and rules around the world. If nothing else, it might convince you that your mild table manners wouldn’t be as bad somewhere else.



No Forks In Thailand
I know, forks are miniature spears and we used to be a race of hunters who fed ourselves with spears. It makes perfect sense to keep with that tradition. In Thailand however, it’s considered low class to eat your food with a fork. Don’t be a pleb!



Italians Don’t Put Cheese On Fish
We usually consider grated cheese to go well on everything Italian, yet Italians have a very strict rule: don’t put cheese on seafood. No fish, no shrimp. Nothing that came out of the sea, really.

Empty Plates Are Tricky
Where an empty plate is seen as a big compliment to your host in Japan and India, it’s a huge offense in China. It’s interpreted as your host not having fed you enough – so leave some food uneaten on the plate!

Italians Don’t Drink Milk After Food Either
What could be better than having dinner in Italy and following up with a lovely cappuccino? Well, pretty much everything, since Italians will instantly know you’re a tourist. No Italian drinks milk or any beverage with milk in it after a meal, since it’s considered to hinder your digestion process.



Slurping in Japan
Slurping is very hip in Japan – in fact it’s even encouraged. It’s considered a sign that you enjoy your food and it allegedly enhances the flavor of the noodles. Then again, Japan believes in Godzilla so you might want to take all that with a grain of salt.

Don’t Flip Your Fish In China
Flipping one’s fish in China is considered to be a bad omen. It symbolizes a boat flipping over, and we all know that’s the last thing you want a boat to do.

No Salt In Portugal Or Egypt
Asking for salt – or pepper – in Portugal or Egypt is seen as a major offense to the chef. It implies that the meal wasn’t seasoned properly and tastes a bit flat.

Drink Tea Like a Proper Brit
When drinking tea in Britain, there’s a few things you should know. First of all, you don’t stir against the cup. If your cup clinks, you’re not a Brit. Secondly, don’t leave your spoon in the cup. After you’re done stirring, put the spoon on the saucer. Now you can sip your tea like a real Brit and shout “tally ho!” at everyone.

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