The Best Kanye West Songs

We know Kanye as a man of many talents. He’s done fashion, he’s done short films, he’s done producing, but he’s mostly known for being a rapper. And being married to Kim Kardashian. While he’s certainly a unique individual due to his verging-on-the-edge-of-insanity public statements, we’ve all come to love Kanye and can’t really imagine the world of showbiz without him. I mean, we can, but we know it’d be boring.
To remind everyone of why Kanye is a thing and how he became a thing in the first place, let’s take a look at some of the best songs he’s created over the years.



Homecoming (2007)
It’s not exactly his best song, but it is one of his more unique ones. It’s weird to have Kanye and Chris Martin in a song at a time when neither Kanye nor Chris Martin were very loved by the public at the time, and still he lands a world hit. It’s a song about his love for Chicago, so there’s worse ways to earn a buck.



Love Lockdown (2008)
Another song where Kanye does something un-Kanye. It’s a song about the loss of his mother and his pre-KK relationship tanking, and it’s one of the songs that influenced many of the hip-hop artists we’re seeing today because of its (at the time) unique sound.

Gold Digger (2005)
It’s a weird combination, Kanye West and Jamie Foxx doing a Ray Charles impersonation. It works though.

Otis (2011)
Kanye and Jay Z rapping about how rich they are and doing ridiculously rich boy things in the music video? Let’s be fair, that’s more gangsta rap than most modern gangsta rap.



Jesus Walks (2004)
Remember when the world started thinking Kanye was a Christian rapper? It’s a good song though.

Runaway (2010)
A big turning point for Kanye, Runaway is his first song after disappearing from the public eye after the thing he did with Taylor Swift (“Hey I’mma let you finish but …”). It’s not his best song, nor is it well sung, but it’s probably one of his more personal pieces of work.

Stronger (2007)
It’s mainly because of that amazing Daft Punk sample, but it’s one of Kanye’s best nonetheless.

Ni**as in Paris (2011)
I mean, does anyone not like this song? You can be the whitest, rap-hating guy in the 200 mile radius and you’ll still know this song. You’re hearing it in your head right now, aren’t you?

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