A Look at Your Favorite Comic Book and Disney Characters As Senior Citizens!

Guys, there is no escaping Father Time. This is even true if you are a superhero or villain. Think about it: the Joker isn’t immortal. Nor is Batman. They are regular guys who will probably end up sharing a room in a nursing home. You might not have pondered the implications of this, but Lesya Guseva has. The Perm-based Russian illustrator has an Instagram account that features a lot of humorous depictions of comic book and Disney characters in their golden years. Here is a look at some of our favorites.



1. The Flash
Although old age will one day leave the Flash confined to a wheelchair, it doesn’t mean he will give up the title of world’s fastest superhero.



2. Superman and Pocahontas
Here’s an odd thing to think about: Superman is immortal, but nonetheless he still ages. So it’s logical to conclude that someday Superman will look really feeble even though he will never lose his strength. And he’ll apparently find himself on a cruise ship dancing with Pocahontas. Also logical?

3. The Little Mermaid
There will come a day when the Little Mermaid is the proud grandmother of a bunch of mermaid children. It’s actually kind of endearing to think about!



4. Aladdin and Dr. Strange
When Aladdin and Dr. Strange are old genies/comic book characters, they will no doubt engage in epic chess matches!

5. Iron Man
Tony Stark is a super rich billionaire. So it’s safe to assume that when he reaches the status of senior citizen, he will still be a hit with the young ladies the way Hugh Hefner was.



6. Spiderman
Spiderman won’t be able to fight crime forever. Fortunately, once he retires he will still find practical use for his web-making abilities.

7. Deadpool
Once a prankster, always a prankster, as an elderly Deadpool proves!



8. Snow White and Captain America
Captain America won’t always be able to save the world from evil, but at least he will be able to use his shield to protect Snow White from the rain!

9. The Joker
Batman’s arch nemesis will never retire from his job of bringing terror to the residents of Gotham City. The green armpit hair is a nice touch, don’t you think?



10. Batman
Batman and the Joker will always be linked together, even in their twilight years.

11. Daenerys Targaryen and Aquamen
Could you imagine that Daenerys Targaryen will live with her Drogo-Aquaman when they will be old?



12. Thor
And here’s Thor making a birdhouse for his grandson. Well, that’s cute!

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