The Biggest Celebrity Hipsters

Celebrities, and especially the ones working in Hollywood, have a tendency to shape the path of fashion and style that we, filthy plebs, have to follow. Yet some of the people “on the inside” have separated themselves from this movement over the years, not caring about the fancy dresses or the standard lifestyles. They’ve essentially become celebrity hipsters.



Let’s take a look at some of these celebrities that stray from the usual celebrity path.



Paul Dano
An amazing actor, and a person with an amazing style. Can’t really find anyone else like him, which is why he gets all the work he gets.



Chloë Sevigny
Chloë has never really been a part of the Hollywood mainstream, and she’s perfectly fine with that.

Finn Wolfhard
We all know him from Stranger Things, and he certainly seems to like the stranger things in his personal life as well. The quirky kid has already made a decent name for himself, recently making the jump to big budget movies with juicier roles to wrap himself around.



Michael Cera
Michael Cera is pretty much the reason why every socially awkward geek had hope ten years or so back. He looked like a guy that just randomly ended up on set one day and was too awkward to tell anyone about it, so he just rolled with it and became an actor.

Adam Driver
Even before his time as Kylo Ren, Adam Driver was a very established actor with a uniqueness to him. It’s probably how he got the Kylo role in the first place.



Zooey Deschanel
Zooey is pretty much the hipster queen, isn’t she? Her quirkiness certainly makes her unique enough, but she adds a nice style on top of it that doesn’t stick to the rules.

Elijah Wood
Frodo has had some hipster moments over the last few years. He never quite does what you expect him to, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care. He saved Middle-Earth, the man can do whatever the heck he wants.

Kristen Stewart
After starring in the Twilight series, Kristen took a step back from the big spotlights and moved on to smaller, more personal projects. She’s also changed her style radically, creating her own person.



Jared Leto
Currently rocking a look that appears to be a love baby between Jesus and Russel Brand, it’s obvious this guy creates his own style.

Lenny Kravitz
If Zooey is the hipster queen, this guy is the hipster king.

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